In 2015, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) asked ResultsinHealth (RiH) to evaluate the impact of the Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME) Technical Cooperation Module, a bilateral programme between the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
FORCLIME supports MoEF in developing climate change policies and strategies in the context of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and improving the lives of poor rural communities in Indonesia by examining practical experience from 3 pilot districts in Kalimantan – Kapuas Hulu (West Kalimantan), Malinau (North Kalimantan) and Berau (East Kalimantan). Impact of the FORCLIME TC module is expected in six strategic working areas, ranging from forest policy development, to sustainable forest management, green economy and the protection of biodiversity.
ResultsinHealth conducted the evaluation by implementing the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique, a qualitative and participatory form of Monitoring & Evaluation based on the collection, systematic selection and analysis of stories of significant changes in the lives of people, as a result of the programme activities. The project conducted in 5 provinces in Indonesia.
Stories collected by ResultsinHealth were compiled and are presented in the book “A Portrait of Changes in FORCLIME”, published by GIZ. The book can be found here or in the link below.