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Our projects

ResultsinHealth’s Impact Team carries our short- and long-term evaluations, operational research and trainings in the Netherlands and around the world. Recent projects are featured below – please contact ResultsinHealth for a full project list. Activities of our PSM Team can be found here.

Plan International
Green Livelihoods Alliance – Milieudefensie & Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)
Global Fund for Women
Oxfam Canada
Humanity & Inclusion
World YWCA
Danish Refugee Council
World Vision Canada
Amref Flying Doctors Netherlands
Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC)
RutgersWPF Indonesia
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
CHAFEA - Consumers, Health, Agriculture, Food Executive Agency
Nicaragua Plan International
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Aidsfonds, Frontline AIDS and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MinBuza - Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Zijlbaan 46
2352 BN Leiderdorp
the Netherlands

Contact us

+31 (0)71 - 760 1200