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Monitoring & Evaluation of the European Surveys and Training to Improve MSM Community Health (ESTICOM) project

CHAFEA - Consumers, Health, Agriculture, Food Executive Agency

In 2016, ResultsinHealth was asked to collaborate in a European-wide consortium with several important players in Europe’s public health field, led by the Robert Koch Institute.

The ESTICOM project integrates a behavioural survey for HIV/AIDS and associated infections and a survey and tailored training for community-based health workers to facilitate access and improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, STI and viral hepatitis and healthcare services for men who have sex with men. This project provides an important opportunity to strengthen the community response and raise awareness about the persisting barriers hindering a more effective response to the pandemics of HIV, hepatitis viruses B and C, and other STI among MSM in Europe.

The project covers an online behavioural survey for MSM in Europe (EMIS), an online survey on community health workers (CHWs) working with MSM (ECHOES) and the development and implementation of training materials for CHWs on improving quality of services for MSM in Europe.  As the work package leader for Monitoring & Evaluation, RiH designs and implements the M&E activities related to the three-year European Surveys and Training to Improve MSM Community Health (ESTICOM) project, funded by the European Consumers, Health and Food Consecutives Agency (CHAFEA). 

The overall task of ResultsinHealth is to monitor whether the project reaches its objectives and whether the outcomes of the project meet the needs of the target groups. ResultsinHealth measures the project progress using a multi-level evaluation strategy, including the use of mixed methods to appropriately collect and analyse data.

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