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Your partner for Procurement and Supply chain Management, strengthening health systems, and state-of-the-art Monitoring and Evaluation services.

We collaborate closely with our clients to solve problems and generate knowledge.

"What I love most about my work is bringing together teams of talented experts to solve complex problems. With each new combination, a world of possibilities opens up."

Aryanti Radyowijati, Founder ResultsinHealth

What we do

ResultsinHealth offers a variety of technical services to clients:

Capacity Building

The Impact Team specializes in capacity building in general M&E for organizations, and we also offer specific trainings in participatory qualitative methods on a regularly scheduled workshop basis. In our capacity building work, we provide mentoring and coaching for organisations that would like to start or improve their M&E systems (including developing effective theories of change, indicator selection, monitoring and data gathering and analyzing methods, etc.) on-site or in RiH’s state-of-the-art training facility. Our organizational capacity building also can help clients to successfully combine new and existing M&E methods into their monitoring and evaluation work.

As part of our evaluation services, we often build capacity building workshops for client staff and their local partners into our project schedule.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Our M&E services include:

  • Baseline surveys
  • Mid-term assessment and evaluations
  • Final evaluations
  • Multi-country assessments and evaluations
  • Mixed-methods assessment and evaluations
  • Qualitative Longitudinal assessments
  • Design of M&E systems for projects

The Impact Team specializes in using a mixed methods approach. In applying qualitative evaluation techniques, we use participatory and visualized tools. We supplement our qualitative work with quantitative surveys as needed.

Operational Research

ResultsinHealth’s Operations Research (OR) is a cost-effective and efficient way for implementing organizations to see what is working or and what is not in their projects and programs, or how best to structure an approach for new projects to achieve maximum impact. Our research is used improve implementation processes and strategies, and investigate results of individual components of ongoing programs.

When conducting OR, the Impact Team applies our expertise in qualitative participatory M&E techniques, such as Most Significant Change andPhotoVoice to address critical questions impacting current or future development programming. We specialize in carrying out Operational Research for programming related to poverty reduction, strengthening health systems and SRHR, social inclusion, and gender.

Procurement and Supply chain Management

Our PSM Team works to ensure the highest degree of quality, efficiency and integrity when governments receive grants for the procurement, warehousing, transport and management of medicines, diagnostics, medical supplies and health products. We provide timely advice and critical risk assessments at all levels of the supply chain of health commodities and consumables. Based on ResultsinHealth’s advice, governments and clients can make timely evidence-based decisions on how to spend resources for medicines, diagnostic tools and other health products appropriately and optimally.

Visit us

Zijlbaan 46
2352 BN Leiderdorp
the Netherlands

Contact us

+31 (0)71 - 760 1200