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Evaluating the inclusiveness of WISH2ACTION

Humanity & Inclusion

As part of the consortium implementing Lot2 (WISH2ACTION – W2A) of the WISH program, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) was mandated to support consortium partners in ensuring SRHR services were made inclusive to people with disabilities. ResultsinHealth was assigned the task of conducting the end-line evaluation of HI’s activities in two countries (Uganda and South Sudan) to assess the changes brought about by the intervention and to compare the situation at the end of the project (July 2021) with the initial baseline evaluation results conducted in Uganda and Pakistan. The evaluation examined the inclusivity of SRHR programming and ascertained if the changes established by WISH2ACTION were sustainable.

Aware of the complex nature of the program and the multi-layered partnerships and levels of collaboration involved in implementation, the evaluation team adopted a mixed method approach which considered both the intended and unintended outcomes of the program. Focusing on inclusive and participative methods (such as Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions and the collection of Stories of Change), the team aimed to create ownership and facilitate a dialogue of learning among relevant stakeholders and program beneficiaries.

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