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Mid-Term Evaluation of Orange Knowledge Programme

MinBuza - Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Dutch Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administered by Nuffic (Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Cooperation) and provides study grants and training in technical and occupational fields (Technical and Vocational Education and Training – TVET) and Higher Education (HE) in 55 countries. This mid-term evaluation aims to evaluate the progress of the OKP and to provide insights into the value of strengthening higher education and vocational training for sustainable and inclusive development during the period of 2017-2019.

ResultsinHealth, as a member of consortium which is led by Ecorys, was the lead firm for this project and responsible for day-to-day management of the project. In this assignment, we used innovative, proven methods for collecting stories of changes through individual interviews from several respondents (e.g. the Tailor-Made Training programme participants, Holland Alumni Network (HAN) members, scholarship holders, institutional collaboration projects recipients, and Full Programme Country consortium members). The stories of changes were used to triangulate with other data collected from desk reviews and (group) interviews. Supplementing this approach, to cover the non-selected countries, we also conducted online surveys for the OKP Implementing organizations.

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