Using a Rapid Knowledge Translation Approach for Better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
To reduce SRHR-related morbidity and mortality - and ensuring access to rights - it is of great importance to effectively translate knowledge into policy and practice.
SRHR knowledge platforms can play a key role in this translation: helping to prioritize relevant issues, mapping knowledge gaps, and developing evidence-based policy and practice.
To tap into this potential and to contribute to the improvement of SRHR, a collaborative rapid improvement model for knowledge translation was designed and implemented by several SRHR platforms in Bangladesh, Burundi, Indonesia and Jordan.
Together with colleagues from ShareNet International, Aryanti Radyowijati - Director of ResultsinHealth - has been involved in the writing of an article discussing the approach and achievements of this Rapid Knowledge Translation Approach.
The article has recently been published by the Global Health: Science and Practice journal, and can be found here:
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