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International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

“Dignity For All in Practice” 

This year’s theme of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty directs our attention to the fact that many people living in persistent poverty experience their dignity being denied and disrespected. Inequalities of opportunities and income are sharply on the rise and, each year, the gap between the rich and poor gets even wider (source: UN). 

ResultinHealth’s participatory approach aims to increase people’s autonomy and feeling of dignity by ensuring their voices are heard and respected throughout research and evaluation activities. 

Through our operational research activities, we have been involved in initiatives focusing on the eradication of poverty, covering topics such as the social inclusion of People With Disabilities (PWD) and improving the health of mothers and children through Conditional Cash Transfer (CTT) programs.

For more information about our research activities, visit our page on Operational Research.

#eradicationofpoverty #socialinclusion #operationalresearch #participatoryresearch 

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