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On 27 January 2022 Nur Hidayati and Karijn Kakebeeke, will share their experiences on measuring impact through visual storytelling methods using combined methods: Photovoice and Most Significant Change (MSC) at the VEN talks.
Combining participatory storytelling techniques to vocalize and visualize project impact. In June of this year, RiH carried out the end-term impact evaluation of World YWCA’s intiative ‘Promoting the realization of the right to health for youn...
ResultsinHealth is conducting the External Evaluation of Global Fund for Women’s initiative to end Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the Garment Industry in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, and Vietnam.
RiH uses innovative participatory methods in their M&E activities. Photovoice, through visual storytelling, provides us with the opportunity to capture experiences, changes and impact brought about by programs.
In this episode of RTL Z’s De Barometer, our Team Leader of the IMPACT Team, Nur Rokhmah Hidayati, talks about how ResultsinHealth specializes in Impact measurement using participatory techniques such as through visual story telling: what changes ...

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