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Ms. Nadia von Holzen


 Nadia's aspiration is to create collaborative spaces for others to engage, think and work together. As a facilitator and process coach for online and in-person workshops, she brings creativity into learning settings to boost collaboration and shared learning. Specialized in organizational learning, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the context of development cooperation, adult learning and social change initiatives, Nadia has worked with the Swiss government, NGOs, foundations and training institutions in Switzerland, The Netherlands, Spain, Africa and Asia. With a Masters in Pedagogics and degrees in Evaluation and Development Studies, over the last 30 years, Nadia has designed and facilitated multiple learning processes and supported network-based collaboration in face-to-face settings and virtually. She has co-organized facilitation trainings with various partners (ResultsinHealth, the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, Creative Facilitation, Liberating Structures, and the Art of Hosting).

In 2016 Nadia set up Learning Moments to inspire and motivate people to be curious and explore new ways of working and thinking. She has focused her work on building facilitative capacities within teams, organizations and networks in online and in-person collaborations. She accompanies the design process of learning events, leads facilitation trainings online and in person and supports networks through self-assessment and guided coaching.

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2352 BN Leiderdorp
the Netherlands

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+31 (0)71 - 760 1200